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Meadowcraft Across Regions: Native Plant Communities Meet Globalized Vegetation (Fall Virtual Series)

Photo by Larry Weaner Landscape Associates

Meadowcraft Across Regions:
Native Plant Communities Meet Globalized Vegetation

Stephanie Frischie (Upper Midwest & Spain), Eric Lee Mäder (Pacific NW) & Larry Weaner (Eastern U.S.)

Each speaker will discuss native meadow establishment techniques that are unique to their specific region, as well as the disturbed landscapes and invasive plants that they all commonly encounter. Our accomplished group of presenters will illustrate protocols for site analysis, plant selection, initial establishment, and management that optimize the competitive advantage of native meadow and prairie species. Finally, they will highlight the importance of understanding each site's native diversity potential, allowing practitioners to align their goals with what can actually be achieved. The program will conclude with a panel where all three presenters will compare notes, field questions and comments, and discuss new research that is affecting the future horizons of meadow restoration.

Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 2024 | 1:00 - 4:30 PM ET

Category: Professional

Fee: $88
Click Series Overview below for details about:
Student & Wild Ones member discounts
Group and Gift Orders
Student Scholarships

Registration will be open and recording will be viewable for 3 months after the live session date.


Instructor Bios:

  • Stephanie Frischie is a Native Plant Materials Specialist at Xerces Society. She is based in northwest Indiana, and provides pollinator habitat expertise to farms in Canada and the U.S. She also works with the native seed industry and researchers to plan and develop seed supply of important plant species for restoration of insect habitat. Before joining Xerces, Stephanie conducted research on the potential of native cover crops in Spanish olive orchards at Semillas Silvestres, S.L. through the Native Seed Science, Technology and Conservation (NASSTEC) grant. Previously, she was the plant materials and conservation programs manager for eleven years at the Nature Conservancy’s Kankakee Sands restoration project in northwest Indiana. Stephanie has a MS from Northwestern University/Chicago Botanic Garden in Conservation Land Management Program and she holds a BS in international agronomy from Purdue University.

  • Eric Lee-Mäder is a principal and co-founder of Northwest Meadowscapes, a native seedhouse and meadow consultancy based in Washington state. His previous work included a role directing pollinator conservation initiatives at the Xerces Society, and the development of numerous popular books, including The Milkweed Lands, winner of a 2023 National Outdoor Book Award.

  • Larry Weaner, FAPLD, founded Larry Weaner Landscape Associates in 1982 and New Directions in the American Landscape in 1990. His nationally recognized work combines horticulture, landscape design, and ecological restoration, and spans more than twenty U.S. states and the U.K. He has been profiled in national publications. His book, Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change (Timber Press, 2016) received an American Horticultural Society (AHS) Book Award in 2017. In 2021 he received the AHS Landscape Design Award and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD) Award of Distinction.

October 30

At Home With Nature: Beauty, Ecology, and Experience (Fall Virtual Series)