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Meadow Making: A Brains Over Brawn Approach | Session 4 of 4 | Conversation and Q&A

Home Gardener Virtual Intensive Course

Larry Weaner, FAPLD & Sara Weaner Cooper

After a 2-week opportunity to digest the information provided in the previous three sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the course information. The freewheeling format will allow for exploration of the many “variations on the meadow theme” that can arise from the individual experiences and interests of course attendees. 

All registrations include Sessions 1 - 4.

Registration is open and the recording is viewable for 3 months after the live session date.

See “Intensive Course Overview” below for more details.

April 8

Breaking the Grass Ceiling (Part 1): Native Lawns and Low Growing Meadows (Spring Virtual Series)

April 29

Breaking the Grass Ceiling (Part Two): A Historic Cemetery Reckons with its Lawn Legacy (Spring Virtual Series)