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Plants of the Canopied Landscape: Woodlands, Edges, & Hedgerows (Feb-Mar 2025 Virtual Intensive Session 6 of 7)

Instructor: Ian Caton

In this session, native plant authority Ian Caton will examine plants of the canopied landscape that exemplify the ecological characteristics described by Larry Weaner in previous sessions. His presentation will include plants found at all of the woodland’s vertical layers, from canopy to understory. He will also discuss their specific abilities to integrate with the unique colonization strategies inherent in woodland development and enhancement. Finally, Ian will present a group of “workhorse” native species for the woodland, including those that combine reliability with desirable aesthetic characteristics.

Registration is open and the recording is viewable for 3 months after the live session date.

March 11

The Canopied Landscape: Woodlands, Edges, & Hedgerows (Feb-Mar 2025 Virtual Intensive Session 5 of 7)

March 25

The Artistic Overlay: Making “Wild” Legible (Feb-Mar 2025 Virtual Intensive Session 7 of 7)